UserDefinedTemplate class#

class laygo2.object.template.UserDefinedTemplate(bbox_func, pins_func, generate_func, name=None)[source]#

Bases: laygo2.object.template.core.Template

UserDefinedTemplate class implements the template that generates a VirtualInstance object corresponding to the template and input parameters.


(Korean) UserDefinedTemplate 클래스는 VirtualInstance를 반환하는 템플릿을 구현한다.

Public Data Attributes:

Inherited from Template


Template name.

Public Methods:

__init__(bbox_func, pins_func, generate_func)

Constructor function of UserDefinedTemplate class.


Return bbox of UserDefinedTemplate object.


Pins of UserDefinedTemplate object.

generate([name, shape, pitch, transform, ...])

Generate a VirtualInstance object by calling generate_func() bound to the template.

Inherited from Template

__init__(bbox_func, pins_func, generate_func)

Constructor function of UserDefinedTemplate class.


Return a string representation of this template's information.


Return the summary of the template information.


int: Return the height of the template.


int: Return the width of the template.


int: Return the size of the template.


Return bbox of UserDefinedTemplate object.


Pins of UserDefinedTemplate object.

generate([name, shape, pitch, transform, ...])

Generate a VirtualInstance object by calling generate_func() bound to the template.

__init__(bbox_func, pins_func, generate_func, name=None)[source]#

Constructor function of UserDefinedTemplate class.

  • bbox_func (callable) – The function that computes the bounding box of the template from its input parameters.

  • pins_func (callable) – The function that returns a dictionary that contains its pin objects for its input parameters.

  • generate_func (callable) – The function that returns a generated VirtualInstance object for its input parameters.

  • name (str) – The name of the template.

Return type



>>> import numpy as np
>>> from laygo2.object.template import UserDefinedTemplate
>>> from laygo2.object.physical import Pin, Rect, VirtualInstance
>>> # bbox computation function.
>>> def user_bbox_func(params):
>>>     return np.array([[0, 0], [100 * params["mult"], 100]])
>>> # pin generation function.
>>> def user_pins_func(params):
>>>     template_pins = dict()
>>>     for i in range(params["mult"]):
>>>         template_pins["in" + str(i)] = Pin(
>>>             xy=[[i * 100 + 0, 0], [i * 100 + 10, 10]],
>>>             layer=["M1", "drawing"],
>>>             netname="in" + str(i),
>>>         )
>>>         template_pins["out" + str(i)] = Pin(
>>>             xy=[[i * 100 + 90, 90], [i * 100 + 90, 100]],
>>>             layer=["M1", "drawing"],
>>>             netname="out" + str(i),
>>>         )
>>>     return template_pins
>>> # instance generation function.
>>> def user_generate_func(
>>>     name=None, shape=None, pitch=np.array([0, 0]), transform="R0",
>>>     params=None):
>>>     m = params["mult"]
>>>     shape = np.array([1, 1]) if shape is None else np.asarray(shape)
>>>     inst_pins = user_pins_func(params)
>>>     inst_native_elements = dict()
>>>     for i in range(m):
>>>         ofst = i * 100
>>>         inst_native_elements["R0_" + str(i)] = Rect(
>>>             xy=[[ofst, 0], [ofst + 10, 10]], layer=["M1", "drawing"]
>>>         )
>>>         inst_native_elements["R1_" + str(i)] = Rect(
>>>             xy=[[ofst + 90, 90], [ofst + 100, 100]], layer=["M1", "drawing"]
>>>         )
>>>     inst_native_elements["R2"] = Rect(
>>>         xy=[[0, 0], [m * 100, 100]], layer=["prBoundary", "drawing"]
>>>     )
>>>     inst = VirtualInstance(
>>>         name=name,
>>>         libname="mylib",
>>>         cellname="myvinst",
>>>         xy=np.array([0, 0]),
>>>         native_elements=inst_native_elements,
>>>         shape=shape,
>>>         pitch=pitch,
>>>         unit_size=[m * 100, 100],
>>>         pins=inst_pins,
>>>         transform=transform,
>>>         params=params,
>>>     )
>>>     return inst
>>> # UserDefinedTemplate construction.
>>> user_temp = UserDefinedTemplate(
>>>     name="myusertemplate",
>>>     bbox_func=user_bbox_func,
>>>     pins_func=user_pins_func,
>>>     generate_func=user_generate_func,
>>> )
>>> # VirtualInstance generation.
>>> user_inst = user_temp.generate(name="myinst", params={"mult": 5})
>>> # Display
>>> print(user_temp)
    <laygo2.object.template.UserDefinedTemplate object at 0x00000192BF990130>
    name: myusertemplate, class: UserDefinedTemplate,
>>> print(user_inst)
    <laygo2.object.physical.VirtualInstance object at 0x00000192BF990280>
        name: myinst,
        class: VirtualInstance,
        xy: [0, 0],
        params: {'mult': 5},
        size: [500, 100],
        shape: [1, 1],
        pitch: [500, 100],
        transform: R0,
        pins: {'in0': <laygo2.object.physical.Pin object at 0x00000192BF9930D0>,
               'out0': <laygo2.object.physical.Pin object at 0x00000192BF9931C0>,
               'in1': <laygo2.object.physical.Pin object at 0x00000192BF993760>,
               'out1': <laygo2.object.physical.Pin object at 0x00000192BF9936A0>,
               'in2': <laygo2.object.physical.Pin object at 0x00000192BF993610>,
               'out2': <laygo2.object.physical.Pin object at 0x00000192BF9935B0>,
               'in3': <laygo2.object.physical.Pin object at 0x00000192BF9932E0>,
               'out3': <laygo2.object.physical.Pin object at 0x00000192BF9931F0>,
               'in4': <laygo2.object.physical.Pin object at 0x00000192BF993130>,
               'out4': <laygo2.object.physical.Pin object at 0x00000192BF9930A0>},
        native elements: {'R0_0': <laygo2.object.physical.Rect object at 0x0...>,
                          'R1_0': <laygo2.object.physical.Rect object at 0x0...>,
                          'R0_1': <laygo2.object.physical.Rect object at 0x0...>,
                          'R1_1': <laygo2.object.physical.Rect object at 0x0...>,
                          'R0_2': <laygo2.object.physical.Rect object at 0x0...>,
                          'R1_2': <laygo2.object.physical.Rect object at 0x0...>,
                          'R0_3': <laygo2.object.physical.Rect object at 0x0...>,
                          'R1_3': <laygo2.object.physical.Rect object at 0x0...>,
                          'R0_4': <laygo2.object.physical.Rect object at 0x0...>,
                          'R1_4': <laygo2.object.physical.Rect object at 0x0...>,
                          'R2': <laygo2.object.physical.Rect object at 0x000...>}
>>> print(user_inst.bbox)
    [[  0   0]
     [500 100]]


(Korean) UserDefinedTemplate 클래스의 생성자 함수.

  • bbox_func(callable): bbox를 연산하는 함수.

  • pins_func(callable): pins를 생성하는 함수.

  • generate_func(callable): VirtualInstance를 생성하는 함수.

  • name(str): 템플릿 이름

  • laygo2.object.template.UserDefinedTemplate


Return bbox of UserDefinedTemplate object.


params (dict) – A dictionary that contains input parameters corresponding to the bounding box to be computed.


numpy.ndarray – coordinates corresponding to the input parameters.

Return type

A 2x2 numpy array that contains the bounding box


>>> import numpy as np
>>> from laygo2.object.template import UserDefinedTemplate
>>> from laygo2.object.physical import Pin, Rect, VirtualInstance
>>> # bbox computation function.
>>> def user_bbox_func(params):
>>>     return np.array([[0, 0], [100 * params["mult"], 100]])
>>> # pin generation function.
>>> def user_pins_func(params):
>>>     template_pins = dict()
>>>     for i in range(params["mult"]):
>>>         template_pins["in" + str(i)] = Pin(
>>>             xy=[[i * 100 + 0, 0], [i * 100 + 10, 10]],
>>>             layer=["M1", "drawing"],
>>>             netname="in" + str(i),
>>>         )
>>>         template_pins["out" + str(i)] = Pin(
>>>             xy=[[i * 100 + 90, 90], [i * 100 + 90, 100]],
>>>             layer=["M1", "drawing"],
>>>             netname="out" + str(i),
>>>         )
>>>     return template_pins
>>> # instance generation function.
>>> def user_generate_func(
>>>     name=None, shape=None, pitch=np.array([0, 0]), transform="R0",
>>>     params=None):
>>>     m = params["mult"]
>>>     shape = np.array([1, 1]) if shape is None else np.asarray(shape)
>>>     inst_pins = user_pins_func(params)
>>>     inst_native_elements = dict()
>>>     for i in range(m):
>>>         ofst = i * 100
>>>         inst_native_elements["R0_" + str(i)] = Rect(
>>>             xy=[[ofst, 0], [ofst + 10, 10]], layer=["M1", "drawing"]
>>>         )
>>>         inst_native_elements["R1_" + str(i)] = Rect(
>>>             xy=[[ofst + 90, 90], [ofst + 100, 100]], layer=["M1", "drawing"]
>>>         )
>>>     inst_native_elements["R2"] = Rect(
>>>         xy=[[0, 0], [m * 100, 100]], layer=["prBoundary", "drawing"]
>>>     )
>>>     inst = VirtualInstance(
>>>         name=name,
>>>         libname="mylib",
>>>         cellname="myvinst",
>>>         xy=np.array([0, 0]),
>>>         native_elements=inst_native_elements,
>>>         shape=shape,
>>>         pitch=pitch,
>>>         unit_size=[m * 100, 100],
>>>         pins=inst_pins,
>>>         transform=transform,
>>>         params=params,
>>>     )
>>>     return inst
>>> # UserDefinedTemplate construction.
>>> user_temp = UserDefinedTemplate(
>>>     name="myusertemplate",
>>>     bbox_func=user_bbox_func,
>>>     pins_func=user_pins_func,
>>>     generate_func=user_generate_func,
>>> )
>>> user_temp.bbox(params={"mult": 5})
array([[  0,   0],
       [500, 100]])


(Korean) UserDefinedTemplate 객체의 bbox 반환.

generate(name=None, shape=None, pitch=None, transform='R0', netmap=None, params=None)[source]#

Generate a VirtualInstance object by calling generate_func() bound to the template.

  • name (str) – name of the instance to be generated.

  • shape (numpy.ndarray, optional.) – shape of the object to be generated.

  • pitch (numpy.ndarray, optional.) – pitch of the object to be generated.

  • transform (str, optional.) – transformation attribute of the entity to be generated.

  • netmap (dict, optional.) – dictionary containing netmap conversion information of pins.

  • params (dict, optional.) – dictionary having the entity attributes.



Return type

The generated VirtualInstance object.


>>> import numpy as np
>>> from laygo2.object.template import UserDefinedTemplate
>>> from laygo2.object.physical import Pin, Rect, VirtualInstance
>>> # bbox computation function.
>>> def user_bbox_func(params):
>>>     return np.array([[0, 0], [100 * params["mult"], 100]])
>>> # pin generation function.
>>> def user_pins_func(params):
>>>     template_pins = dict()
>>>     for i in range(params["mult"]):
>>>         template_pins["in" + str(i)] = Pin(
>>>             xy=[[i * 100 + 0, 0], [i * 100 + 10, 10]],
>>>             layer=["M1", "drawing"],
>>>             netname="in" + str(i),
>>>         )
>>>         template_pins["out" + str(i)] = Pin(
>>>             xy=[[i * 100 + 90, 90], [i * 100 + 90, 100]],
>>>             layer=["M1", "drawing"],
>>>             netname="out" + str(i),
>>>         )
>>>     return template_pins
>>> # instance generation function.
>>> def user_generate_func(
>>>     name=None, shape=None, pitch=np.array([0, 0]), transform="R0",
>>>     params=None):
>>>     m = params["mult"]
>>>     shape = np.array([1, 1]) if shape is None else np.asarray(shape)
>>>     inst_pins = user_pins_func(params)
>>>     inst_native_elements = dict()
>>>     for i in range(m):
>>>         ofst = i * 100
>>>         inst_native_elements["R0_" + str(i)] = Rect(
>>>             xy=[[ofst, 0], [ofst + 10, 10]], layer=["M1", "drawing"]
>>>         )
>>>         inst_native_elements["R1_" + str(i)] = Rect(
>>>             xy=[[ofst + 90, 90], [ofst + 100, 100]], layer=["M1", "drawing"]
>>>         )
>>>     inst_native_elements["R2"] = Rect(
>>>         xy=[[0, 0], [m * 100, 100]], layer=["prBoundary", "drawing"]
>>>     )
>>>     inst = VirtualInstance(
>>>         name=name,
>>>         libname="mylib",
>>>         cellname="myvinst",
>>>         xy=np.array([0, 0]),
>>>         native_elements=inst_native_elements,
>>>         shape=shape,
>>>         pitch=pitch,
>>>         unit_size=[m * 100, 100],
>>>         pins=inst_pins,
>>>         transform=transform,
>>>         params=params,
>>>     )
>>>     return inst
>>> # UserDefinedTemplate construction.
>>> user_temp = UserDefinedTemplate(
>>>     name="myusertemplate",
>>>     bbox_func=user_bbox_func,
>>>     pins_func=user_pins_func,
>>>     generate_func=user_generate_func,
>>> )
>>> # VirtualInstance generation.
>>> user_inst = user_temp.generate(name="myinst", params={"mult": 5})
>>> # Display
>>> print(user_temp)
    <laygo2.object.template.UserDefinedTemplate object at 0x00000192BF990130>
    name: myusertemplate, class: UserDefinedTemplate,
>>> print(user_inst)
    <laygo2.object.physical.VirtualInstance object at 0x00000192BF990280>
        name: myinst,
        class: VirtualInstance,
        xy: [0, 0],
        params: {'mult': 5},
        size: [500, 100],
        shape: [1, 1],
        pitch: [500, 100],
        transform: R0,
        pins: {'in0': <laygo2.object.physical.Pin object at 0x00000192BF9930D0>,
               'out0': <laygo2.object.physical.Pin object at 0x00000192BF9931C0>,
               'in1': <laygo2.object.physical.Pin object at 0x00000192BF993760>,
               'out1': <laygo2.object.physical.Pin object at 0x00000192BF9936A0>,
               'in2': <laygo2.object.physical.Pin object at 0x00000192BF993610>,
               'out2': <laygo2.object.physical.Pin object at 0x00000192BF9935B0>,
               'in3': <laygo2.object.physical.Pin object at 0x00000192BF9932E0>,
               'out3': <laygo2.object.physical.Pin object at 0x00000192BF9931F0>,
               'in4': <laygo2.object.physical.Pin object at 0x00000192BF993130>,
               'out4': <laygo2.object.physical.Pin object at 0x00000192BF9930A0>},
        native elements: {'R0_0': <laygo2.object.physical.Rect object at 0x0...>,
                          'R1_0': <laygo2.object.physical.Rect object at 0x0...>,
                          'R0_1': <laygo2.object.physical.Rect object at 0x0...>,
                          'R1_1': <laygo2.object.physical.Rect object at 0x0...>,
                          'R0_2': <laygo2.object.physical.Rect object at 0x0...>,
                          'R1_2': <laygo2.object.physical.Rect object at 0x0...>,
                          'R0_3': <laygo2.object.physical.Rect object at 0x0...>,
                          'R1_3': <laygo2.object.physical.Rect object at 0x0...>,
                          'R0_4': <laygo2.object.physical.Rect object at 0x0...>,
                          'R1_4': <laygo2.object.physical.Rect object at 0x0...>,
                          'R2': <laygo2.object.physical.Rect object at 0x000...>}
>>> print(user_inst.bbox)
    [[  0   0]
     [500 100]]


(Korean) 템플릿으로부터 입력 파라미터에 따른 VirtualInstance 객체 생성. 파라미터

  • name(str): 생성할 인스턴스의 이름.

  • shape(numpy.ndarray): (optional) 생성할 객체의 배열 shape.

  • pitch(numpy.ndarray): (optional) 생성할 객체 간의 간격.

  • params(dict) : 개체의 속성이 담긴 dictionary.

  • transform(str): 생성할 개체의 변환 속성.

  • laygo2.VirtualInstance: 생성된 객체


int: Return the height of the template.


Pins of UserDefinedTemplate object.


params (dict) – A dictionary that contains input parameters corresponding to the pin objects to be produced.


dict – input parameters.

Return type

A dictionary that contains pin object corresponding to the


>>> import numpy as np
>>> from laygo2.object.template import UserDefinedTemplate
>>> from laygo2.object.physical import Pin, Rect, VirtualInstance
>>> # bbox computation function.
>>> def user_bbox_func(params):
>>>     return np.array([[0, 0], [100 * params["mult"], 100]])
>>> # pin generation function.
>>> def user_pins_func(params):
>>>     template_pins = dict()
>>>     for i in range(params["mult"]):
>>>         template_pins["in" + str(i)] = Pin(
>>>             xy=[[i * 100 + 0, 0], [i * 100 + 10, 10]],
>>>             layer=["M1", "drawing"],
>>>             netname="in" + str(i),
>>>         )
>>>         template_pins["out" + str(i)] = Pin(
>>>             xy=[[i * 100 + 90, 90], [i * 100 + 90, 100]],
>>>             layer=["M1", "drawing"],
>>>             netname="out" + str(i),
>>>         )
>>>     return template_pins
>>> # instance generation function.
>>> def user_generate_func(
>>>     name=None, shape=None, pitch=np.array([0, 0]), transform="R0",
>>>     params=None):
>>>     m = params["mult"]
>>>     shape = np.array([1, 1]) if shape is None else np.asarray(shape)
>>>     inst_pins = user_pins_func(params)
>>>     inst_native_elements = dict()
>>>     for i in range(m):
>>>         ofst = i * 100
>>>         inst_native_elements["R0_" + str(i)] = Rect(
>>>             xy=[[ofst, 0], [ofst + 10, 10]], layer=["M1", "drawing"]
>>>         )
>>>         inst_native_elements["R1_" + str(i)] = Rect(
>>>             xy=[[ofst + 90, 90], [ofst + 100, 100]], layer=["M1", "drawing"]
>>>         )
>>>     inst_native_elements["R2"] = Rect(
>>>         xy=[[0, 0], [m * 100, 100]], layer=["prBoundary", "drawing"]
>>>     )
>>>     inst = VirtualInstance(
>>>         name=name,
>>>         libname="mylib",
>>>         cellname="myvinst",
>>>         xy=np.array([0, 0]),
>>>         native_elements=inst_native_elements,
>>>         shape=shape,
>>>         pitch=pitch,
>>>         unit_size=[m * 100, 100],
>>>         pins=inst_pins,
>>>         transform=transform,
>>>         params=params,
>>>     )
>>>     return inst
>>> # UserDefinedTemplate construction.
>>> user_temp = UserDefinedTemplate(
>>>     name="myusertemplate",
>>>     bbox_func=user_bbox_func,
>>>     pins_func=user_pins_func,
>>>     generate_func=user_generate_func,
>>> )
>>> user_temp.pins(params={"mult": 5})
{'in0': <laygo2.object.physical.Pin object at 0x00000192BF990670>,
'out0': <laygo2.object.physical.Pin object at 0x00000192BF990400>,
'in1': <laygo2.object.physical.Pin object at 0x00000192BF993250>,
'out1': <laygo2.object.physical.Pin object at 0x00000192BF9903D0>,
'in2': <laygo2.object.physical.Pin object at 0x00000192BF9901F0>,
'out2': <laygo2.object.physical.Pin object at 0x00000192BF9904F0>,
'in3': <laygo2.object.physical.Pin object at 0x00000192BF993640>,
'out3': <laygo2.object.physical.Pin object at 0x00000192BF990520>,
'in4': <laygo2.object.physical.Pin object at 0x00000192BF9936D0>,
'out4': <laygo2.object.physical.Pin object at 0x00000192BF993790>}


(Korean) UserDefinedTemplate 객체의 pin dictionary를 생성 및 반환하는 함수.


int: Return the size of the template.


Return the summary of the template information.


int: Return the width of the template.

_abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>#
_bbox = None#

The internal pointer to the bbox computing function.

_generate = None#

The internal pointer to the instance generation function.

_pins = None#

The internal pointer to the pin creation function.

name = None#

Template name.

