RoutingGrid class#

class laygo2.object.grid.RoutingGrid(name, vgrid, hgrid, vwidth, hwidth, vextension, hextension, vlayer, hlayer, pin_vlayer, pin_hlayer, viamap, xcolor=None, ycolor=None, primary_grid='vertical', vextension0=None, hextension0=None)[source]#

Bases: Grid

A class that implements wire connections in an abstract coordinate system.

Public Data Attributes:


Type of grid.


Width of vertical wires.


Width of horizontal wires.


Extension of vertical wires.


Extension of horizontal wires.


the array containing the extension of the zero-length wires on the vertical grid.


the array containing the extension of the zero-length wires on the horizontal grid.


Layer information of vertical wires.


Layer information of horizontal wires.


Layer information of vertical pin wires.


Layer information of horizontal pine wires.


Array containing Via objects positioned on grid crossing points.


The default direction of routing


Color of horizontal wires.


Color of vertical wires.

Inherited from Grid


the name of the grid.




return elements of subgrids ([_xy[0].elements, _xy[1].elements]).






Two-dimensional _AbsToPhyConverter of a coordinate system.


One-dimensional _AbsToPhyGridConverter


One-dimensional _AbsToPhyGridConverter of the y-coordinate system.


OneDimGrid of the x-coordinate system (=self.x).


OneDimGrid of the y-coordinate system (=self.y).


Two-dimensional _PhyToAbsConverter of a coordinate system.


One-dimensional _PhyToAbsConverter of the x-coordinate system.


One-dimensional _PhyToAbsConverter of


Two-dimensional element length in a coordinate system.


Region in which the coordinate system is defined.


Width of the region in which the coordinate system is defined.


Height of the region in which the coordinate system is defined.

Public Methods:

__init__(name, vgrid, hgrid, vwidth, hwidth, ...)

Constructor function of RoutingGrid class.

route(mn[, direction, via_tag])

Create wire object(s) for routing.

via([mn, params])

Create Via object(s) on abstract grid.

route_via_track(mn, track[, via_tag])

Perform routing on the specified track with accessing wires to mn.

pin(name, mn[, direction, netname, params])

Create a Pin object over the abstract coordinates specified by mn, on the specified routing grid.


Copy the current RoutingGrid object.


Flip the routing grid in vertical direction.


Flip the routing grid in horizontal direction.

vstack(obj[, copy])

Stack routing grid(s) on top of the routing grid in vertical direction.

hstack(obj[, copy])

Stack routing grid(s) on top of the routing grid in horizontal direction.


Summarize object information.

Inherited from Grid



__init__(name, vgrid, hgrid)

Constructor function of Grid class.


Call self as a function.



Return the physical grid coordinate that matches to other.


Return the index of the grid coordinate that is the largest but less than other.


Return the index of the grid coordinate that is the largest but less than or equal to other.


Return the index of the grid coordinate that is the smallest but greater than other.


Return the index of the grid coordinate that is the smallest but greater than or equal to other.


Return the height vector of the input object obj.


Return the width vector of the input object obj.


Return the abstract grid coordinates corresponding to the 'internal' bounding box of obj.


Return the abstract grid coordinates corresponding to the bottom-left corner of obj.


Return the abstract grid coordinates corresponding to the bottom-right corner of obj.


Return the abstract grid coordinates corresponding to the top-left corner of obj.


Return the abstract grid coordinates corresponding to the top-right corner of obj.


Return the abstract grid coordinates corresponding to the crossing point of args.

overlap(*args[, type])

Return the abstract grid coordinates corresponding to the overlap of args.


Return the abstract grid coordinates corresponding to union of args.


Return the abstract grid coordinates corresponding to the center point of obj.


Return the abstract grid coordinates corresponding to the left point of obj.


Return the abstract grid coordinates corresponding to the right point of obj.


Return the abstract grid coordinates corresponding to the top point of obj.


Return the abstract grid coordinates corresponding to the bottom point of obj.


Make a copy of the current Grid object


Flip the grid in vertical direction.


Flip the grid in horizontal direction.

vstack(obj[, copy])

Stack grid(s) on top of the current grid in vertical direction.

hstack(obj[, copy])

Stack grid(s) on top of the current grid in horizontal direction.




Return the string representation of the object.


Output the information of the respective grid.

__init__(name, vgrid, hgrid, vwidth, hwidth, vextension, hextension, vlayer, hlayer, pin_vlayer, pin_hlayer, viamap, xcolor=None, ycolor=None, primary_grid='vertical', vextension0=None, hextension0=None)[source]#

Constructor function of RoutingGrid class.

  • name (str) – Routing object name

  • vgrid (laygo2.OneDimGrid) – OneDimGrid of x-coordinate system

  • hgrid (laygo2.OneDimGrid) – OneDimGrid of y-coordinate system

  • vwidth (CircularMapping) – x-coordinate system width

  • hwidth (CircularMapping) – y-coordinate system width

  • vextension (CircularMapping) – x-coordinate system extension

  • hextension (CircularMapping) – y-coordinate system extension

  • vlayer (CircularMapping) – x-coordinate system layer

  • hlayer (CircularMapping) – y-coordinate system layer

  • pin_vlayer (CircularMapping) – layer of x-coordinate system pin

  • pin_hlayer (CircularMapping) – layer of y-coordinate system pin

  • xcolor (list) – x-coordinate system color

  • ycolor (list) – y-coordinate system color

  • viamap (CircularMappingArray) – Via map of Grid

  • primary_grid (str) – direction of wire having length 0

Return type:



>>> import laygo2
>>> from laygo2.object.grid import CircularMapping as CM
>>> from laygo2.object.grid import CircularMappingArray as CMA
>>> from laygo2.object.grid import OneDimGrid, RoutingGrid
>>> from laygo2.object.template import NativeInstanceTemplate
>>> from laygo2.object.physical import Instance
>>> # Routing grid construction (not needed if laygo2_tech is set up).
>>> gv = OneDimGrid(name="gv", scope=[0, 50], elements=[0])
>>> gh = OneDimGrid(name="gv", scope=[0, 100], elements=[0, 40, 60])
>>> wv = CM([10])           # vertical (xgrid) width
>>> wh = CM([20, 10, 10])   # horizontal (ygrid) width
>>> ev = CM([10])           # vertical (xgrid) extension
>>> eh = CM([10, 10, 10])   # horizontal (ygrid) extension
>>> e0v = CM([15])          # vert. extension (for zero-length wires)
>>> e0h = CM([15, 15, 15])  # hori. extension (for zero-length wires)
>>> lv = CM([['M1', 'drawing']], dtype=object)  # layer information
>>> lh = CM([['M2', 'drawing']]*3, dtype=object)
>>> plv = CM([['M1', 'pin']], dtype=object) # pin layers
>>> plh = CM([['M2', 'pin']]*3, dtype=object)
>>> xcolor = CM([None], dtype=object)  # not multi-patterned
>>> ycolor = CM([None]*3, dtype=object)
>>> primary_grid = 'horizontal'
>>> tvia = NativeInstanceTemplate(libname='tlib', cellname='via0')  # via
>>> viamap = CMA(elements=[[tvia, tvia, tvia]], dtype=object)
>>> g = RoutingGrid(name='mygrid', vgrid=gv, hgrid=gh,
                    vwidth=wv, hwidth=wh,
                    vextension=ev, hextension=eh,
                    vlayer=lv, hlayer=lh,
                    pin_vlayer=plv, pin_hlayer=plh,
                    viamap=viamap, primary_grid=primary_grid,
                    xcolor=xcolor, ycolor=ycolor,
                    vextension0=e0v, hextension0=e0h)
>>> # Routing on grid
>>> mn_list = [[0, -2], [0, 1], [2, 1], [5,1] ]
>>> route = g.route(mn=mn_list, via_tag=[True, False, True, True])
>>> for r in route:
>>>     print(r)
<laygo2.object.physical.Instance object at 0x0000016939A23A90>
    name: None,
    class: Instance,
    xy: [0, -60],
    params: None,
    size: [0, 0]
    shape: None
    pitch: [0, 0]
    transform: R0
    pins: {}
<laygo2.object.physical.Rect object at 0x0000016939A23880>
    name: None,
    class: Rect,
    xy: [[0, -60], [0, 40]],
    params: None, , layer: ['M1' 'drawing'], netname: None
<laygo2.object.physical.Rect object at 0x0000016939A21BA0>
    name: None,
    class: Rect,
    xy: [[0, 40], [100, 40]],
    params: None, , layer: ['M2' 'drawing'], netname: None
<laygo2.object.physical.Instance object at 0x0000016939A21B70>
    name: None,
    class: Instance,
    xy: [100, 40],
    params: None,
    size: [0, 0]
    shape: None
    pitch: [0, 0]
    transform: R0
    pins: {}
<laygo2.object.physical.Rect object at 0x0000016939A21D80>
    name: None,
    class: Rect,
    xy: [[100, 40], [250, 40]],
    params: None, , layer: ['M2' 'drawing'], netname: None
<laygo2.object.physical.Instance object at 0x0000016939A22350>
    name: None,
    class: Instance,
    xy: [250, 40],
    params: None,
    size: [0, 0]
    shape: None
    pitch: [0, 0]
    transform: R0
    pins: {}

Return the abstract grid coordinates corresponding to the ‘internal’ bounding box of obj.

See also



Return the abstract grid coordinates corresponding to the bottom point of obj.


Return the abstract grid coordinates corresponding to the bottom-left corner of obj.

See also



Return the abstract grid coordinates corresponding to the bottom-right corner of obj.

See also



Return the abstract grid coordinates corresponding to the center point of obj.


obj (laygo2.object.physical.PhysicalObject) – The object of which center coordinate is computed.

See also


Copy the current RoutingGrid object.


Return the abstract grid coordinates corresponding to the crossing point of args.

See also


height_vec(obj: PhysicalObject)#

Return the height vector of the input object obj.


Flip the routing grid in horizontal direction.

hstack(obj, copy=True)[source]#

Stack routing grid(s) on top of the routing grid in horizontal direction.


Return the abstract grid coordinates corresponding to the left point of obj.

overlap(*args, type='bbox')#

Return the abstract grid coordinates corresponding to the overlap of args.

See also


pin(name, mn, direction=None, netname=None, params=None)[source]#

Create a Pin object over the abstract coordinates specified by mn, on the specified routing grid.

  • name (str) – Pin name.

  • mn (numpy.ndarray) – Abstract coordinates for generating Pin.

  • direction (str, optional.) – Direction.

  • netname (str, optional.) – Net name of Pin.

  • params (dict, optional) – Pin attributes.



Return type:

The generated pin object.


>>> import laygo2
>>> from laygo2.object.grid import CircularMapping as CM
>>> from laygo2.object.grid import CircularMappingArray as CMA
>>> from laygo2.object.grid import OneDimGrid, RoutingGrid
>>> from laygo2.object.template import NativeInstanceTemplate
>>> # Routing grid construction (not needed if laygo2_tech is set up).
>>> gv = OneDimGrid(name="gv", scope=[0, 50], elements=[0])
>>> gh = OneDimGrid(name="gv", scope=[0, 100], elements=[0, 40, 60])
>>> wv = CM([10])           # vertical (xgrid) width
>>> wh = CM([20, 10, 10])   # horizontal (ygrid) width
>>> ev = CM([10])           # vertical (xgrid) extension
>>> eh = CM([10, 10, 10])   # horizontal (ygrid) extension
>>> e0v = CM([15])          # vert. extension (for zero-length wires)
>>> e0h = CM([15, 15, 15])  # hori. extension (for zero-length wires)
>>> lv = CM([['M1', 'drawing']], dtype=object)  # layer information
>>> lh = CM([['M2', 'drawing']]*3, dtype=object)
>>> plv = CM([['M1', 'pin']], dtype=object) # pin layers
>>> plh = CM([['M2', 'pin']]*3, dtype=object)
>>> xcolor = CM([None], dtype=object)  # not multi-patterned
>>> ycolor = CM([None]*3, dtype=object)
>>> primary_grid = 'horizontal'
>>> tvia = NativeInstanceTemplate(libname='tlib', cellname='via0')  # via
>>> viamap = CMA(elements=[[tvia, tvia, tvia]], dtype=object)
>>> g = laygo2.object.grid.RoutingGrid(name='mygrid', vgrid=gv, hgrid=gh,
                                       vwidth=wv, hwidth=wh,
                                       vextension=ev, hextension=eh,
                                       vlayer=lv, hlayer=lh,
                                       pin_vlayer=plv, pin_hlayer=plh,
                                       viamap=viamap, primary_grid=primary_grid,
                                       xcolor=xcolor, ycolor=ycolor,
                                       vextension0=e0v, hextension0=e0h)
>>> mn = [[0, 0], [10, 10]]
>>> pin ="pin", grid=g, mn=mn)
>>> print(pin)
<laygo2.object.physical.Pin object at 0x0000028DABE3AB90>
    name: pin,
    class: Pin,
    xy: [[0, -10], [500, 350]],
    params: None, , layer: ['M2' 'pin'], netname: pin, shape: None,
    master: None

Return the abstract grid coordinates corresponding to the right point of obj.

route(mn, direction=None, via_tag=None)[source]#

Create wire object(s) for routing.

  • mn (list(numpy.ndarray)) – The list containing two or more mn coordinates to be connected.

  • direction (str, optional.) – None or “vertical” or “horizontal”. The direction of the routing object.

  • via_tag (list(Boolean), optional.) – The list containing switches deciding whether to place via at the edges.


The generated routing object(s). Check the example code for details.

Return type:

laygo2.object.physical.Rect or list


>>> import laygo2
>>> from laygo2.object.grid import CircularMapping as CM
>>> from laygo2.object.grid import CircularMappingArray as CMA
>>> from laygo2.object.grid import OneDimGrid, RoutingGrid
>>> from laygo2.object.template import NativeInstanceTemplate
>>> from laygo2.object.physical import Instance
>>> #
>>> # Routing grid construction (not needed if laygo2_tech is set up).
>>> #
>>> gv = OneDimGrid(name="gv", scope=[0, 50], elements=[0])
>>> gh = OneDimGrid(name="gv", scope=[0, 100], elements=[0, 40, 60])
>>> wv = CM([10])           # vertical (xgrid) width
>>> wh = CM([20, 10, 10])   # horizontal (ygrid) width
>>> ev = CM([10])           # vertical (xgrid) extension
>>> eh = CM([10, 10, 10])   # horizontal (ygrid) extension
>>> e0v = CM([15])          # vert. extension (for zero-length wires)
>>> e0h = CM([15, 15, 15])  # hori. extension (for zero-length wires)
>>> lv = CM([['M1', 'drawing']], dtype=object)  # layer information
>>> lh = CM([['M2', 'drawing']]*3, dtype=object)
>>> plv = CM([['M1', 'pin']], dtype=object) # pin layers
>>> plh = CM([['M2', 'pin']]*3, dtype=object)
>>> xcolor = CM([None], dtype=object)  # not multi-patterned
>>> ycolor = CM([None]*3, dtype=object)
>>> primary_grid = 'horizontal'
>>> tvia = NativeInstanceTemplate(libname='tlib', cellname='via0')  # via
>>> viamap = CMA(elements=[[tvia, tvia, tvia]], dtype=object)
>>> g = laygo2.object.grid.RoutingGrid(name='mygrid', vgrid=gv, hgrid=gh,
                                       vwidth=wv, hwidth=wh,
                                       vextension=ev, hextension=eh,
                                       vlayer=lv, hlayer=lh,
                                       pin_vlayer=plv, pin_hlayer=plh,
                                       viamap=viamap, primary_grid=primary_grid,
                                       xcolor=xcolor, ycolor=ycolor,
                                       vextension0=e0v, hextension0=e0h)
>>> #
>>> # Routing on grid
>>> #
>>> mn_list = [[0, -2], [0, 1], [2, 1], [5,1] ]
>>> route = g.route(mn=mn_list, via_tag=[True, False, True, True])
>>> for r in route:
>>>     print(r)
<laygo2.object.physical.Instance object at 0x0000016939A23A90>
    name: None,
    class: Instance,
    xy: [0, -60],
    params: None,
    size: [0, 0]
    shape: None
    pitch: [0, 0]
    transform: R0
    pins: {}
<laygo2.object.physical.Rect object at 0x0000016939A23880>
    name: None,
    class: Rect,
    xy: [[0, -60], [0, 40]],
    params: None, , layer: ['M1' 'drawing'], netname: None
<laygo2.object.physical.Rect object at 0x0000016939A21BA0>
    name: None,
    class: Rect,
    xy: [[0, 40], [100, 40]],
    params: None, , layer: ['M2' 'drawing'], netname: None
<laygo2.object.physical.Instance object at 0x0000016939A21B70>
    name: None,
    class: Instance,
    xy: [100, 40],
    params: None,
    size: [0, 0]
    shape: None
    pitch: [0, 0]
    transform: R0
    pins: {}
<laygo2.object.physical.Rect object at 0x0000016939A21D80>
    name: None,
    class: Rect,
    xy: [[100, 40], [250, 40]],
    params: None, , layer: ['M2' 'drawing'], netname: None
<laygo2.object.physical.Instance object at 0x0000016939A22350>
    name: None,
    class: Instance,
    xy: [250, 40],
    params: None,
    size: [0, 0]
    shape: None
    pitch: [0, 0]
    transform: R0
    pins: {}
route_via_track(mn, track, via_tag=[False, True])[source]#

Perform routing on the specified track with accessing wires to mn.

  • mn (list(numpy.ndarray)) – list containing coordinates of the points being connected through a track

  • track (numpy.ndarray) – list containing coordinate values and direction of a track. Vertical tracks have [v, None] format, while horizontal tracks have [None, v] format (v is the coordinates of the track).


The list containing the generated routing objects; The last object corresponds to the routing object on the track.

Return type:



>>> import laygo2
>>> from laygo2.object.grid import CircularMapping as CM
>>> from laygo2.object.grid import CircularMappingArray as CMA
>>> from laygo2.object.grid import OneDimGrid, RoutingGrid
>>> from laygo2.object.template import NativeInstanceTemplate
>>> from laygo2.object.physical import Instance
>>> # Routing grid construction (not needed if laygo2_tech is set up).
>>> gv = OneDimGrid(name="gv", scope=[0, 50], elements=[0])
>>> gh = OneDimGrid(name="gv", scope=[0, 100], elements=[0, 40, 60])
>>> wv = CM([10])           # vertical (xgrid) width
>>> wh = CM([20, 10, 10])   # horizontal (ygrid) width
>>> ev = CM([10])           # vertical (xgrid) extension
>>> eh = CM([10, 10, 10])   # horizontal (ygrid) extension
>>> e0v = CM([15])          # vert. extension (for zero-length wires)
>>> e0h = CM([15, 15, 15])  # hori. extension (for zero-length wires)
>>> lv = CM([['M1', 'drawing']], dtype=object)  # layer information
>>> lh = CM([['M2', 'drawing']]*3, dtype=object)
>>> plv = CM([['M1', 'pin']], dtype=object) # pin layers
>>> plh = CM([['M2', 'pin']]*3, dtype=object)
>>> xcolor = CM([None], dtype=object)  # not multi-patterned
>>> ycolor = CM([None]*3, dtype=object)
>>> primary_grid = 'horizontal'
>>> tvia = NativeInstanceTemplate(libname='tlib', cellname='via0')  # via
>>> viamap = CMA(elements=[[tvia, tvia, tvia]], dtype=object)
>>> g = laygo2.object.grid.RoutingGrid(name='mygrid', vgrid=gv, hgrid=gh,
                                       vwidth=wv, hwidth=wh,
                                       vextension=ev, hextension=eh,
                                       vlayer=lv, hlayer=lh,
                                       pin_vlayer=plv, pin_hlayer=plh,
                                       viamap=viamap, primary_grid=primary_grid,
                                       xcolor=xcolor, ycolor=ycolor,
                                       vextension0=e0v, hextension0=e0h)
>>> # Routing on grid
>>> mn_list = [[0, -2], [1, 0], [2, 5], [3, 4], [4, 5], [5, 5]]
>>> track = g.route_via_track(mn=mn_list, track=[None, 0])
>>> print(track)
[[<laygo2.object.physical.Rect object>,
  <laygo2.object.physical.VirtualInstance object>],
  <laygo2.object.physical.VirtualInstance object>,
 [<laygo2.object.physical.Rect object>,
  <laygo2.object.physical.VirtualInstance object>],
 [<laygo2.object.physical.Rect object>,
  <laygo2.object.physical.VirtualInstance object>],
 [<laygo2.object.physical.Rect object>,
  <laygo2.object.physical.VirtualInstance object>],
 [<laygo2.object.physical.Rect object>,
  <laygo2.object.physical.VirtualInstance object>],
  <laygo2.object.physical.Rect object>]

Summarize object information.


Return the abstract grid coordinates corresponding to the top point of obj.


Return the abstract grid coordinates corresponding to the top-left corner of obj.

See also



Return the abstract grid coordinates corresponding to the top-right corner of obj.

See also



Return the abstract grid coordinates corresponding to union of args.

See also



Flip the routing grid in vertical direction.

via(mn=array([0, 0]), params=None)[source]#

Create Via object(s) on abstract grid.


mn (list(numpy.ndarray)) – Abstract coordinate(s) that specify location(s) to insert via(s).


The list containing the generated via objects.

Return type:



>>> import laygo2
>>> from laygo2.object.grid import CircularMapping as CM
>>> from laygo2.object.grid import CircularMappingArray as CMA
>>> from laygo2.object.grid import OneDimGrid, RoutingGrid
>>> from laygo2.object.template import NativeInstanceTemplate
>>> from laygo2.object.physical import Instance
>>> # Routing grid construction (not needed if laygo2_tech is set up).
>>> gv = OneDimGrid(name="gv", scope=[0, 50], elements=[0])
>>> gh = OneDimGrid(name="gv", scope=[0, 100], elements=[0, 40, 60])
>>> wv = CM([10])           # vertical (xgrid) width
>>> wh = CM([20, 10, 10])   # horizontal (ygrid) width
>>> ev = CM([10])           # vertical (xgrid) extension
>>> eh = CM([10, 10, 10])   # horizontal (ygrid) extension
>>> e0v = CM([15])          # vert. extension (for zero-length wires)
>>> e0h = CM([15, 15, 15])  # hori. extension (for zero-length wires)
>>> lv = CM([['M1', 'drawing']], dtype=object)  # layer information
>>> lh = CM([['M2', 'drawing']]*3, dtype=object)
>>> plv = CM([['M1', 'pin']], dtype=object) # pin layers
>>> plh = CM([['M2', 'pin']]*3, dtype=object)
>>> xcolor = CM([None], dtype=object)  # not multi-patterned
>>> ycolor = CM([None]*3, dtype=object)
>>> primary_grid = 'horizontal'
>>> tvia = NativeInstanceTemplate(libname='tlib', cellname='via0')  # via
>>> viamap = CMA(elements=[[tvia, tvia, tvia]], dtype=object)
>>> g = laygo2.object.grid.RoutingGrid(name='mygrid', vgrid=gv, hgrid=gh,
                                       vwidth=wv, hwidth=wh,
                                       vextension=ev, hextension=eh,
                                       vlayer=lv, hlayer=lh,
                                       pin_vlayer=plv, pin_hlayer=plh,
                                       viamap=viamap, primary_grid=primary_grid,
                                       xcolor=xcolor, ycolor=ycolor,
                                       vextension0=e0v, hextension0=e0h)
>>> # Routing on grid
>>> mn_list = [[0, -2], [1, 0], [2, 5]]
>>> via = mygrid.via(mn=mn_list)
>>> print(via)
[<laygo2.object.physical.VirtualInstance object>,
 <laygo2.object.physical.VirtualInstance object>,
 <laygo2.object.physical.VirtualInstance object>]
vstack(obj, copy=True)[source]#

Stack routing grid(s) on top of the routing grid in vertical direction.

width_vec(obj: PhysicalObject)#

Return the width vector of the input object obj.

_xy = None#

the list contains the 1d-grid objects for x and y axes.



abs2phy = None#


property elements#

return elements of subgrids ([_xy[0].elements, _xy[1].elements]).



property h#

OneDimGrid of the y-coordinate system (=self.y).


>>> from laygo2.object.grid import OneDimGrid, Grid
>>> g1_x = OneDimGrid(name='xgrid', scope=[0, 100], elements=[0, 10, 20, 40, 50 ])
>>> g1_y = OneDimGrid(name='ygrid', scope=[0, 100], elements=[10, 20, 40, 50, 60 ])
>>> g2   = Grid(name="test", vgrid = g1_x, hgrid = g1_y )
>>> g2.h


property height#

Height of the region in which the coordinate system is defined.


>>> from laygo2.object.grid import OneDimGrid, Grid
>>> g1_x = OneDimGrid(name='xgrid', scope=[0, 100], elements=[0, 10, 20, 40, 50 ])
>>> g1_y = OneDimGrid(name='ygrid', scope=[0, 100], elements=[10, 20, 40, 50, 60 ])
>>> g2   = Grid(name="test", vgrid = g1_x, hgrid = g1_y )
>>> g2.height


hextension = None#

Extension of horizontal wires.


>>> import laygo2
>>> from laygo2.object.grid import CircularMapping as CM
>>> from laygo2.object.grid import CircularMappingArray as CMA
>>> from laygo2.object.grid import OneDimGrid, RoutingGrid
>>> from laygo2.object.template import NativeInstanceTemplate
>>> # Routing grid construction (not needed if laygo2_tech is set up).
>>> gv = OneDimGrid(name="gv", scope=[0, 50], elements=[0])
>>> gh = OneDimGrid(name="gv", scope=[0, 100], elements=[0, 40, 60])
>>> wv = CM([10])           # vertical (xgrid) width
>>> wh = CM([20, 10, 10])   # horizontal (ygrid) width
>>> ev = CM([10])           # vertical (xgrid) extension
>>> eh = CM([10, 10, 10])   # horizontal (ygrid) extension
>>> e0v = CM([15])          # vert. extension (for zero-length wires)
>>> e0h = CM([15, 15, 15])  # hori. extension (for zero-length wires)
>>> lv = CM([['M1', 'drawing']], dtype=object)  # layer information
>>> lh = CM([['M2', 'drawing']]*3, dtype=object)
>>> plv = CM([['M1', 'pin']], dtype=object) # pin layers
>>> plh = CM([['M2', 'pin']]*3, dtype=object)
>>> xcolor = CM([None], dtype=object)  # not multi-patterned
>>> ycolor = CM([None]*3, dtype=object)
>>> primary_grid = 'horizontal'
>>> tvia = NativeInstanceTemplate(libname='tlib', cellname='via0')  # via
>>> viamap = CMA(elements=[[tvia, tvia, tvia]], dtype=object)
>>> g = laygo2.object.grid.RoutingGrid(name='mygrid', vgrid=gv, hgrid=gh,
                                       vwidth=wv, hwidth=wh,
                                       vextension=ev, hextension=eh,
                                       vlayer=lv, hlayer=lh,
                                       pin_vlayer=plv, pin_hlayer=plh,
                                       viamap=viamap, primary_grid=primary_grid,
                                       xcolor=xcolor, ycolor=ycolor,
                                       vextension0=e0v, hextension0=e0h)
>>> print(g.hextension)
<laygo2.object.grid.CircularMapping object >
    class: CircularMapping,
    elements: [10, 10, 10]


hextension0 = None#

the array containing the extension of the zero-length wires on the horizontal grid.


>>> import laygo2
>>> from laygo2.object.grid import CircularMapping as CM
>>> from laygo2.object.grid import CircularMappingArray as CMA
>>> from laygo2.object.grid import OneDimGrid, RoutingGrid
>>> from laygo2.object.template import NativeInstanceTemplate
>>> # Routing grid construction (not needed if laygo2_tech is set up).
>>> gv = OneDimGrid(name="gv", scope=[0, 50], elements=[0])
>>> gh = OneDimGrid(name="gv", scope=[0, 100], elements=[0, 40, 60])
>>> wv = CM([10])           # vertical (xgrid) width
>>> wh = CM([20, 10, 10])   # horizontal (ygrid) width
>>> ev = CM([10])           # vertical (xgrid) extension
>>> eh = CM([10, 10, 10])   # horizontal (ygrid) extension
>>> e0v = CM([15])          # vert. extension (for zero-length wires)
>>> e0h = CM([15, 15, 15])  # hori. extension (for zero-length wires)
>>> lv = CM([['M1', 'drawing']], dtype=object)  # layer information
>>> lh = CM([['M2', 'drawing']]*3, dtype=object)
>>> plv = CM([['M1', 'pin']], dtype=object) # pin layers
>>> plh = CM([['M2', 'pin']]*3, dtype=object)
>>> xcolor = CM([None], dtype=object)  # not multi-patterned
>>> ycolor = CM([None]*3, dtype=object)
>>> primary_grid = 'horizontal'
>>> tvia = NativeInstanceTemplate(libname='tlib', cellname='via0')  # via
>>> viamap = CMA(elements=[[tvia, tvia, tvia]], dtype=object)
>>> g = laygo2.object.grid.RoutingGrid(name='mygrid', vgrid=gv, hgrid=gh,
                                       vwidth=wv, hwidth=wh,
                                       vextension=ev, hextension=eh,
                                       vlayer=lv, hlayer=lh,
                                       pin_vlayer=plv, pin_hlayer=plh,
                                       viamap=viamap, primary_grid=primary_grid,
                                       xcolor=xcolor, ycolor=ycolor,
                                       vextension0=e0v, hextension0=e0h)
>>> print(g.hextension0)
<laygo2.object.grid.CircularMapping object >
    class: CircularMapping,
    elements: [15, 15, 15]


property hgrid#
hlayer = None#

Layer information of horizontal wires.


>>> import laygo2
>>> from laygo2.object.grid import CircularMapping as CM
>>> from laygo2.object.grid import CircularMappingArray as CMA
>>> from laygo2.object.grid import OneDimGrid, RoutingGrid
>>> from laygo2.object.template import NativeInstanceTemplate
>>> # Routing grid construction (not needed if laygo2_tech is set up).
>>> gv = OneDimGrid(name="gv", scope=[0, 50], elements=[0])
>>> gh = OneDimGrid(name="gv", scope=[0, 100], elements=[0, 40, 60])
>>> wv = CM([10])           # vertical (xgrid) width
>>> wh = CM([20, 10, 10])   # horizontal (ygrid) width
>>> ev = CM([10])           # vertical (xgrid) extension
>>> eh = CM([10, 10, 10])   # horizontal (ygrid) extension
>>> e0v = CM([15])          # vert. extension (for zero-length wires)
>>> e0h = CM([15, 15, 15])  # hori. extension (for zero-length wires)
>>> lv = CM([['M1', 'drawing']], dtype=object)  # layer information
>>> lh = CM([['M2', 'drawing']]*3, dtype=object)
>>> plv = CM([['M1', 'pin']], dtype=object) # pin layers
>>> plh = CM([['M2', 'pin']]*3, dtype=object)
>>> xcolor = CM([None], dtype=object)  # not multi-patterned
>>> ycolor = CM([None]*3, dtype=object)
>>> primary_grid = 'horizontal'
>>> tvia = NativeInstanceTemplate(libname='tlib', cellname='via0')  # via
>>> viamap = CMA(elements=[[tvia, tvia, tvia]], dtype=object)
>>> g = laygo2.object.grid.RoutingGrid(name='mygrid', vgrid=gv, hgrid=gh,
                                       vwidth=wv, hwidth=wh,
                                       vextension=ev, hextension=eh,
                                       vlayer=lv, hlayer=lh,
                                       pin_vlayer=plv, pin_hlayer=plh,
                                       viamap=viamap, primary_grid=primary_grid,
                                       xcolor=xcolor, ycolor=ycolor,
                                       vextension0=e0v, hextension0=e0h)
>>> print(g.hlayer)
<laygo2.object.grid.CircularMapping object >
    class: CircularMapping,
    elements: [['M1', 'drawing'], ['M1', 'drawing'], ['M1', 'drawing']]


hwidth = None#

Width of horizontal wires.


>>> import laygo2
>>> from laygo2.object.grid import CircularMapping as CM
>>> from laygo2.object.grid import CircularMappingArray as CMA
>>> from laygo2.object.grid import OneDimGrid, RoutingGrid
>>> from laygo2.object.template import NativeInstanceTemplate
>>> # Routing grid construction (not needed if laygo2_tech is set up).
>>> gv = OneDimGrid(name="gv", scope=[0, 50], elements=[0])
>>> gh = OneDimGrid(name="gv", scope=[0, 100], elements=[0, 40, 60])
>>> wv = CM([10])           # vertical (xgrid) width
>>> wh = CM([20, 10, 10])   # horizontal (ygrid) width
>>> ev = CM([10])           # vertical (xgrid) extension
>>> eh = CM([10, 10, 10])   # horizontal (ygrid) extension
>>> e0v = CM([15])          # vert. extension (for zero-length wires)
>>> e0h = CM([15, 15, 15])  # hori. extension (for zero-length wires)
>>> lv = CM([['M1', 'drawing']], dtype=object)  # layer information
>>> lh = CM([['M2', 'drawing']]*3, dtype=object)
>>> plv = CM([['M1', 'pin']], dtype=object) # pin layers
>>> plh = CM([['M2', 'pin']]*3, dtype=object)
>>> xcolor = CM([None], dtype=object)  # not multi-patterned
>>> ycolor = CM([None]*3, dtype=object)
>>> primary_grid = 'horizontal'
>>> tvia = NativeInstanceTemplate(libname='tlib', cellname='via0')  # via
>>> viamap = CMA(elements=[[tvia, tvia, tvia]], dtype=object)
>>> g = laygo2.object.grid.RoutingGrid(name='mygrid', vgrid=gv, hgrid=gh,
                                       vwidth=wv, hwidth=wh,
                                       vextension=ev, hextension=eh,
                                       vlayer=lv, hlayer=lh,
                                       pin_vlayer=plv, pin_hlayer=plh,
                                       viamap=viamap, primary_grid=primary_grid,
                                       xcolor=xcolor, ycolor=ycolor,
                                       vextension0=e0v, hextension0=e0h)
>>> print(g.hwidth)
<laygo2.object.grid.CircularMapping object >
    class: CircularMapping,
    elements: [20, 10, 10]


property m#

One-dimensional _PhyToAbsConverter of the x-coordinate system.


>>> from laygo2.object.grid import OneDimGrid, Grid
>>> g1_x = OneDimGrid(name='xgrid', scope=[0, 100], elements=[0, 10, 20, 40, 50 ])
>>> g1_y = OneDimGrid(name='ygrid', scope=[0, 100], elements=[10, 20, 40, 50, 60 ])
>>> g2   = Grid(name="test", vgrid = g1_x, hgrid = g1_y )
>>> g2.n[40]
>>> g2.n(40)
>>> g2.n <  40
>>> g2.n <= 40
>>> g2.n >  40
>>> g2.n >= 40


property mn#

Two-dimensional _PhyToAbsConverter of a coordinate system.


>>> from laygo2.object.grid import OneDimGrid, Grid
>>> g1_x = OneDimGrid(name='xgrid', scope=[0, 100], elements=[0, 10, 20, 40, 50 ])
>>> g1_y = OneDimGrid(name='ygrid', scope=[0, 100], elements=[10, 20, 40, 50, 60 ])
>>> g2   = Grid(name="test", vgrid = g1_x, hgrid = g1_y )
[3, 2]
>>>[40, 40])
[3, 2]
>>> <  [40,40]
[750, 760]
>>> <= [40,40]
[800, 810]
>>> >  [40,40]
[810, 820]
>>> >= [40,40]
[800, 810]


property n#
One-dimensional _PhyToAbsConverter of

the y-coordinate system.


>>> from laygo2.object.grid import OneDimGrid, Grid
>>> g1_x = OneDimGrid(name='xgrid', scope=[0, 100], elements=[0, 10, 20, 40, 50 ])
>>> g1_y = OneDimGrid(name='ygrid', scope=[0, 100], elements=[10, 20, 40, 50, 60 ])
>>> g2   = Grid(name="test", vgrid = g1_x, hgrid = g1_y )
>>> g2.n[40]
>>> g2.n(40)
>>> g2.n <  40
>>> g2.n <= 40
>>> g2.n >  40
>>> g2.n >= 40


name = None#

the name of the grid.



phy2abs = None#


pin_hlayer = None#

Layer information of horizontal pine wires.


>>> import laygo2
>>> from laygo2.object.grid import CircularMapping as CM
>>> from laygo2.object.grid import CircularMappingArray as CMA
>>> from laygo2.object.grid import OneDimGrid, RoutingGrid
>>> from laygo2.object.template import NativeInstanceTemplate
>>> # Routing grid construction (not needed if laygo2_tech is set up).
>>> gv = OneDimGrid(name="gv", scope=[0, 50], elements=[0])
>>> gh = OneDimGrid(name="gv", scope=[0, 100], elements=[0, 40, 60])
>>> wv = CM([10])           # vertical (xgrid) width
>>> wh = CM([20, 10, 10])   # horizontal (ygrid) width
>>> ev = CM([10])           # vertical (xgrid) extension
>>> eh = CM([10, 10, 10])   # horizontal (ygrid) extension
>>> e0v = CM([15])          # vert. extension (for zero-length wires)
>>> e0h = CM([15, 15, 15])  # hori. extension (for zero-length wires)
>>> lv = CM([['M1', 'drawing']], dtype=object)  # layer information
>>> lh = CM([['M2', 'drawing']]*3, dtype=object)
>>> plv = CM([['M1', 'pin']], dtype=object) # pin layers
>>> plh = CM([['M2', 'pin']]*3, dtype=object)
>>> xcolor = CM([None], dtype=object)  # not multi-patterned
>>> ycolor = CM([None]*3, dtype=object)
>>> primary_grid = 'horizontal'
>>> tvia = NativeInstanceTemplate(libname='tlib', cellname='via0')  # via
>>> viamap = CMA(elements=[[tvia, tvia, tvia]], dtype=object)
>>> g = laygo2.object.grid.RoutingGrid(name='mygrid', vgrid=gv, hgrid=gh,
                                       vwidth=wv, hwidth=wh,
                                       vextension=ev, hextension=eh,
                                       vlayer=lv, hlayer=lh,
                                       pin_vlayer=plv, pin_hlayer=plh,
                                       viamap=viamap, primary_grid=primary_grid,
                                       xcolor=xcolor, ycolor=ycolor,
                                       vextension0=e0v, hextension0=e0h)
>>> print(g.pin_hlayer)
<laygo2.object.grid.CircularMapping object >
    class: CircularMapping,
    elements: [['M1', 'pin'], ['M1', 'pin'], ['M1', 'pin']]


pin_vlayer = None#

Layer information of vertical pin wires.


>>> import laygo2
>>> from laygo2.object.grid import CircularMapping as CM
>>> from laygo2.object.grid import CircularMappingArray as CMA
>>> from laygo2.object.grid import OneDimGrid, RoutingGrid
>>> from laygo2.object.template import NativeInstanceTemplate
>>> # Routing grid construction (not needed if laygo2_tech is set up).
>>> gv = OneDimGrid(name="gv", scope=[0, 50], elements=[0])
>>> gh = OneDimGrid(name="gv", scope=[0, 100], elements=[0, 40, 60])
>>> wv = CM([10])           # vertical (xgrid) width
>>> wh = CM([20, 10, 10])   # horizontal (ygrid) width
>>> ev = CM([10])           # vertical (xgrid) extension
>>> eh = CM([10, 10, 10])   # horizontal (ygrid) extension
>>> e0v = CM([15])          # vert. extension (for zero-length wires)
>>> e0h = CM([15, 15, 15])  # hori. extension (for zero-length wires)
>>> lv = CM([['M1', 'drawing']], dtype=object)  # layer information
>>> lh = CM([['M2', 'drawing']]*3, dtype=object)
>>> plv = CM([['M1', 'pin']], dtype=object) # pin layers
>>> plh = CM([['M2', 'pin']]*3, dtype=object)
>>> xcolor = CM([None], dtype=object)  # not multi-patterned
>>> ycolor = CM([None]*3, dtype=object)
>>> primary_grid = 'horizontal'
>>> tvia = NativeInstanceTemplate(libname='tlib', cellname='via0')  # via
>>> viamap = CMA(elements=[[tvia, tvia, tvia]], dtype=object)
>>> g = laygo2.object.grid.RoutingGrid(name='mygrid', vgrid=gv, hgrid=gh,
                                       vwidth=wv, hwidth=wh,
                                       vextension=ev, hextension=eh,
                                       vlayer=lv, hlayer=lh,
                                       pin_vlayer=plv, pin_hlayer=plh,
                                       viamap=viamap, primary_grid=primary_grid,
                                       xcolor=xcolor, ycolor=ycolor,
                                       vextension0=e0v, hextension0=e0h)
>>> print(g.pin_vlayer)
<laygo2.object.grid.CircularMapping object >
    class: CircularMapping,
    elements: [['M1', 'pin']]


primary_grid = 'vertical'#
The default direction of routing

(Direction of wire having length 0).


>>> import laygo2
>>> from laygo2.object.grid import CircularMapping as CM
>>> from laygo2.object.grid import CircularMappingArray as CMA
>>> from laygo2.object.grid import OneDimGrid, RoutingGrid
>>> from laygo2.object.template import NativeInstanceTemplate
>>> # Routing grid construction (not needed if laygo2_tech is set up).
>>> gv = OneDimGrid(name="gv", scope=[0, 50], elements=[0])
>>> gh = OneDimGrid(name="gv", scope=[0, 100], elements=[0, 40, 60])
>>> wv = CM([10])           # vertical (xgrid) width
>>> wh = CM([20, 10, 10])   # horizontal (ygrid) width
>>> ev = CM([10])           # vertical (xgrid) extension
>>> eh = CM([10, 10, 10])   # horizontal (ygrid) extension
>>> e0v = CM([15])          # vert. extension (for zero-length wires)
>>> e0h = CM([15, 15, 15])  # hori. extension (for zero-length wires)
>>> lv = CM([['M1', 'drawing']], dtype=object)  # layer information
>>> lh = CM([['M2', 'drawing']]*3, dtype=object)
>>> plv = CM([['M1', 'pin']], dtype=object) # pin layers
>>> plh = CM([['M2', 'pin']]*3, dtype=object)
>>> xcolor = CM([None], dtype=object)  # not multi-patterned
>>> ycolor = CM([None]*3, dtype=object)
>>> primary_grid = 'horizontal'
>>> tvia = NativeInstanceTemplate(libname='tlib', cellname='via0')  # via
>>> viamap = CMA(elements=[[tvia, tvia, tvia]], dtype=object)
>>> g = laygo2.object.grid.RoutingGrid(name='mygrid', vgrid=gv, hgrid=gh,
                                       vwidth=wv, hwidth=wh,
                                       vextension=ev, hextension=eh,
                                       vlayer=lv, hlayer=lh,
                                       pin_vlayer=plv, pin_hlayer=plh,
                                       viamap=viamap, primary_grid=primary_grid,
                                       xcolor=xcolor, ycolor=ycolor,
                                       vextension0=e0v, hextension0=e0h)
>>> print(g.primary_grid)


property range#
property shape#
Two-dimensional element length in a coordinate system.

length of x-axis elements, length of y-axis elements


>>> from laygo2.object.grid import OneDimGrid, Grid
>>> g1_x = OneDimGrid(name='xgrid', scope=[0, 100], elements=[0, 10, 20, 40, 50 ])
>>> g1_y = OneDimGrid(name='ygrid', scope=[0, 100], elements=[10, 20, 40, 50, 60 ])
>>> g2   = Grid(name="test", vgrid = g1_x, hgrid = g1_y )
>>> g2.shape
[5, 5]


type = 'routing'#

Type of grid. Should be ‘routing’ for routing grids.

property v#

OneDimGrid of the x-coordinate system (=self.x).


>>> from laygo2.object.grid import OneDimGrid, Grid
>>> g1_x = OneDimGrid(name='xgrid', scope=[0, 100], elements=[0, 10, 20, 40, 50 ])
>>> g1_y = OneDimGrid(name='ygrid', scope=[0, 100], elements=[10, 20, 40, 50, 60 ])
>>> g2   = Grid(name="test", vgrid = g1_x, hgrid = g1_y )
>>> g2.v


vextension = None#

Extension of vertical wires.


>>> import laygo2
>>> from laygo2.object.grid import CircularMapping as CM
>>> from laygo2.object.grid import CircularMappingArray as CMA
>>> from laygo2.object.grid import OneDimGrid, RoutingGrid
>>> from laygo2.object.template import NativeInstanceTemplate
>>> # Routing grid construction (not needed if laygo2_tech is set up).
>>> gv = OneDimGrid(name="gv", scope=[0, 50], elements=[0])
>>> gh = OneDimGrid(name="gv", scope=[0, 100], elements=[0, 40, 60])
>>> wv = CM([10])           # vertical (xgrid) width
>>> wh = CM([20, 10, 10])   # horizontal (ygrid) width
>>> ev = CM([10])           # vertical (xgrid) extension
>>> eh = CM([10, 10, 10])   # horizontal (ygrid) extension
>>> e0v = CM([15])          # vert. extension (for zero-length wires)
>>> e0h = CM([15, 15, 15])  # hori. extension (for zero-length wires)
>>> lv = CM([['M1', 'drawing']], dtype=object)  # layer information
>>> lh = CM([['M2', 'drawing']]*3, dtype=object)
>>> plv = CM([['M1', 'pin']], dtype=object) # pin layers
>>> plh = CM([['M2', 'pin']]*3, dtype=object)
>>> xcolor = CM([None], dtype=object)  # not multi-patterned
>>> ycolor = CM([None]*3, dtype=object)
>>> primary_grid = 'horizontal'
>>> tvia = NativeInstanceTemplate(libname='tlib', cellname='via0')  # via
>>> viamap = CMA(elements=[[tvia, tvia, tvia]], dtype=object)
>>> g = laygo2.object.grid.RoutingGrid(name='mygrid', vgrid=gv, hgrid=gh,
                                       vwidth=wv, hwidth=wh,
                                       vextension=ev, hextension=eh,
                                       vlayer=lv, hlayer=lh,
                                       pin_vlayer=plv, pin_hlayer=plh,
                                       viamap=viamap, primary_grid=primary_grid,
                                       xcolor=xcolor, ycolor=ycolor,
                                       vextension0=e0v, hextension0=e0h)
>>> print(g.vextension)
<laygo2.object.grid.CircularMapping object >
    class: CircularMapping,
    elements: [10]


vextension0 = None#

the array containing the extension of the zero-length wires on the vertical grid.


>>> import laygo2
>>> from laygo2.object.grid import CircularMapping as CM
>>> from laygo2.object.grid import CircularMappingArray as CMA
>>> from laygo2.object.grid import OneDimGrid, RoutingGrid
>>> from laygo2.object.template import NativeInstanceTemplate
>>> # Routing grid construction (not needed if laygo2_tech is set up).
>>> gv = OneDimGrid(name="gv", scope=[0, 50], elements=[0])
>>> gh = OneDimGrid(name="gv", scope=[0, 100], elements=[0, 40, 60])
>>> wv = CM([10])           # vertical (xgrid) width
>>> wh = CM([20, 10, 10])   # horizontal (ygrid) width
>>> ev = CM([10])           # vertical (xgrid) extension
>>> eh = CM([10, 10, 10])   # horizontal (ygrid) extension
>>> e0v = CM([15])          # vert. extension (for zero-length wires)
>>> e0h = CM([15, 15, 15])  # hori. extension (for zero-length wires)
>>> lv = CM([['M1', 'drawing']], dtype=object)  # layer information
>>> lh = CM([['M2', 'drawing']]*3, dtype=object)
>>> plv = CM([['M1', 'pin']], dtype=object) # pin layers
>>> plh = CM([['M2', 'pin']]*3, dtype=object)
>>> xcolor = CM([None], dtype=object)  # not multi-patterned
>>> ycolor = CM([None]*3, dtype=object)
>>> primary_grid = 'horizontal'
>>> tvia = NativeInstanceTemplate(libname='tlib', cellname='via0')  # via
>>> viamap = CMA(elements=[[tvia, tvia, tvia]], dtype=object)
>>> g = laygo2.object.grid.RoutingGrid(name='mygrid', vgrid=gv, hgrid=gh,
                                       vwidth=wv, hwidth=wh,
                                       vextension=ev, hextension=eh,
                                       vlayer=lv, hlayer=lh,
                                       pin_vlayer=plv, pin_hlayer=plh,
                                       viamap=viamap, primary_grid=primary_grid,
                                       xcolor=xcolor, ycolor=ycolor,
                                       vextension0=e0v, hextension0=e0h)
>>> print(g.vextension0)
<laygo2.object.grid.CircularMapping object >
    class: CircularMapping,
    elements: [15]


property vgrid#
viamap = None#

Array containing Via objects positioned on grid crossing points.


>>> import laygo2
>>> from laygo2.object.grid import CircularMapping as CM
>>> from laygo2.object.grid import CircularMappingArray as CMA
>>> from laygo2.object.grid import OneDimGrid, RoutingGrid
>>> from laygo2.object.template import NativeInstanceTemplate
>>> # Routing grid construction (not needed if laygo2_tech is set up).
>>> gv = OneDimGrid(name="gv", scope=[0, 50], elements=[0])
>>> gh = OneDimGrid(name="gv", scope=[0, 100], elements=[0, 40, 60])
>>> wv = CM([10])           # vertical (xgrid) width
>>> wh = CM([20, 10, 10])   # horizontal (ygrid) width
>>> ev = CM([10])           # vertical (xgrid) extension
>>> eh = CM([10, 10, 10])   # horizontal (ygrid) extension
>>> e0v = CM([15])          # vert. extension (for zero-length wires)
>>> e0h = CM([15, 15, 15])  # hori. extension (for zero-length wires)
>>> lv = CM([['M1', 'drawing']], dtype=object)  # layer information
>>> lh = CM([['M2', 'drawing']]*3, dtype=object)
>>> plv = CM([['M1', 'pin']], dtype=object) # pin layers
>>> plh = CM([['M2', 'pin']]*3, dtype=object)
>>> xcolor = CM([None], dtype=object)  # not multi-patterned
>>> ycolor = CM([None]*3, dtype=object)
>>> primary_grid = 'horizontal'
>>> tvia = NativeInstanceTemplate(libname='tlib', cellname='via0')  # via
>>> viamap = CMA(elements=[[tvia, tvia, tvia]], dtype=object)
>>> g = laygo2.object.grid.RoutingGrid(name='mygrid', vgrid=gv, hgrid=gh,
                                       vwidth=wv, hwidth=wh,
                                       vextension=ev, hextension=eh,
                                       vlayer=lv, hlayer=lh,
                                       pin_vlayer=plv, pin_hlayer=plh,
                                       viamap=viamap, primary_grid=primary_grid,
                                       xcolor=xcolor, ycolor=ycolor,
                                       vextension0=e0v, hextension0=e0h)
>>> print(g.viamap)
<laygo2.object.grid.CircularMappingArray object at 0x000002217F15A530>
class: CircularMappingArray,
elements: [
    [<laygo2.object.template.NativeInstanceTemplate object at 0x000002217F15ADD0>
     <laygo2.object.template.NativeInstanceTemplate object at 0x000002217F15ADD0>
     <laygo2.object.template.NativeInstanceTemplate object at 0x000002217F15ADD0>]]


vlayer = None#

Layer information of vertical wires.


>>> import laygo2
>>> from laygo2.object.grid import CircularMapping as CM
>>> from laygo2.object.grid import CircularMappingArray as CMA
>>> from laygo2.object.grid import OneDimGrid, RoutingGrid
>>> from laygo2.object.template import NativeInstanceTemplate
>>> # Routing grid construction (not needed if laygo2_tech is set up).
>>> gv = OneDimGrid(name="gv", scope=[0, 50], elements=[0])
>>> gh = OneDimGrid(name="gv", scope=[0, 100], elements=[0, 40, 60])
>>> wv = CM([10])           # vertical (xgrid) width
>>> wh = CM([20, 10, 10])   # horizontal (ygrid) width
>>> ev = CM([10])           # vertical (xgrid) extension
>>> eh = CM([10, 10, 10])   # horizontal (ygrid) extension
>>> e0v = CM([15])          # vert. extension (for zero-length wires)
>>> e0h = CM([15, 15, 15])  # hori. extension (for zero-length wires)
>>> lv = CM([['M1', 'drawing']], dtype=object)  # layer information
>>> lh = CM([['M2', 'drawing']]*3, dtype=object)
>>> plv = CM([['M1', 'pin']], dtype=object) # pin layers
>>> plh = CM([['M2', 'pin']]*3, dtype=object)
>>> xcolor = CM([None], dtype=object)  # not multi-patterned
>>> ycolor = CM([None]*3, dtype=object)
>>> primary_grid = 'horizontal'
>>> tvia = NativeInstanceTemplate(libname='tlib', cellname='via0')  # via
>>> viamap = CMA(elements=[[tvia, tvia, tvia]], dtype=object)
>>> g = laygo2.object.grid.RoutingGrid(name='mygrid', vgrid=gv, hgrid=gh,
                                       vwidth=wv, hwidth=wh,
                                       vextension=ev, hextension=eh,
                                       vlayer=lv, hlayer=lh,
                                       pin_vlayer=plv, pin_hlayer=plh,
                                       viamap=viamap, primary_grid=primary_grid,
                                       xcolor=xcolor, ycolor=ycolor,
                                       vextension0=e0v, hextension0=e0h)
>>> print(g.vlayer)
<laygo2.object.grid.CircularMapping object >
    class: CircularMapping,
    elements: [['M1', 'drawing']]


vwidth = None#

Width of vertical wires.


>>> import laygo2
>>> from laygo2.object.grid import CircularMapping as CM
>>> from laygo2.object.grid import CircularMappingArray as CMA
>>> from laygo2.object.grid import OneDimGrid, RoutingGrid
>>> from laygo2.object.template import NativeInstanceTemplate
>>> # Routing grid construction (not needed if laygo2_tech is set up).
>>> gv = OneDimGrid(name="gv", scope=[0, 50], elements=[0])
>>> gh = OneDimGrid(name="gh", scope=[0, 100], elements=[0, 40, 60])
>>> wv = CM([10])           # vertical (xgrid) width
>>> wh = CM([20, 10, 10])   # horizontal (ygrid) width
>>> ev = CM([10])           # vertical (xgrid) extension
>>> eh = CM([10, 10, 10])   # horizontal (ygrid) extension
>>> e0v = CM([15])          # vert. extension (for zero-length wires)
>>> e0h = CM([15, 15, 15])  # hori. extension (for zero-length wires)
>>> lv = CM([['M1', 'drawing']], dtype=object)  # layer information
>>> lh = CM([['M2', 'drawing']]*3, dtype=object)
>>> plv = CM([['M1', 'pin']], dtype=object) # pin layers
>>> plh = CM([['M2', 'pin']]*3, dtype=object)
>>> xcolor = CM([None], dtype=object)  # not multi-patterned
>>> ycolor = CM([None]*3, dtype=object)
>>> primary_grid = 'horizontal'
>>> tvia = NativeInstanceTemplate(libname='tlib', cellname='via0')  # via
>>> viamap = CMA(elements=[[tvia, tvia, tvia]], dtype=object)
>>> g = laygo2.object.grid.RoutingGrid(name='mygrid', vgrid=gv, hgrid=gh,
                                       vwidth=wv, hwidth=wh,
                                       vextension=ev, hextension=eh,
                                       vlayer=lv, hlayer=lh,
                                       pin_vlayer=plv, pin_hlayer=plh,
                                       viamap=viamap, primary_grid=primary_grid,
                                       xcolor=xcolor, ycolor=ycolor,
                                       vextension0=e0v, hextension0=e0h)
>>> print(g.vwidth)
<laygo2.object.grid.CircularMapping object >
    class: CircularMapping,
    elements: [10]


property width#
Width of the region in which the coordinate system is defined.

x scope


>>> from laygo2.object.grid import OneDimGrid, Grid
>>> g1_x = OneDimGrid(name='xgrid', scope=[0, 100], elements=[0, 10, 20, 40, 50 ])
>>> g1_y = OneDimGrid(name='ygrid', scope=[0, 100], elements=[10, 20, 40, 50, 60 ])
>>> g2   = Grid(name="test", vgrid = g1_x, hgrid = g1_y )
>>> g2.width


property x#
One-dimensional _AbsToPhyGridConverter

of the x-coordinate system.


>>> from laygo2.object.grid import OneDimGrid, Grid
>>> g1_x = OneDimGrid(name='xgrid', scope=[0, 100], elements=[0, 10, 20, 40, 50 ])
>>> g1_y = OneDimGrid(name='ygrid', scope=[0, 100], elements=[10, 20, 40, 50, 60 ])
>>> g2   = Grid(name="test", vgrid = g1_x, hgrid = g1_y )
>>> g2.x[10]
>>> g2.x <  10
>>> g2.x <= 10
>>> g2.x >  10
>>> g2.x >= 10


xcolor = None#

Color of horizontal wires.


>>> templates = tech.load_templates()
>>> grids = tech.load_grids(templates=templates)
>>> r23   = grids['routing_23_cmos’]
>>> print(r23.xcolor)
<laygo2.object.grid.CircularMapping object> class: CircularMapping,
    elements: [[“colorA”], [“colorB”], [“colorA”], [“colorB”], [“colorA”], [“colorB”], [“colorA”], [“colorB”]]


property xy#

Two-dimensional _AbsToPhyConverter of a coordinate system.


>>> from laygo2.object.grid import OneDimGrid, Grid
>>> g1_x = OneDimGrid(name='xgrid', scope=[0, 100], elements=[0, 10, 20, 40, 50])
>>> g1_y = OneDimGrid(name='ygrid', scope=[0, 100], elements=[10, 20, 40, 50, 60])
>>> g2   = Grid(name="test", vgrid = g1_x, hgrid = g1_y )
>>> g2.xy[10,10]
[200 210]
>>> g2.xy([10, 10])
[200 210]
>>> g2.xy < [10,10]
>>> g2.xy <= [10,10]
>>> g2.xy > [10,10]
>>> g2.xy >= [10,10]


property y#

One-dimensional _AbsToPhyGridConverter of the y-coordinate system.


>>> from laygo2.object.grid import OneDimGrid, Grid
>>> g1_x = OneDimGrid(name='xgrid', scope=[0, 100], elements=[0, 10, 20, 40, 50 ])
>>> g1_y = OneDimGrid(name='ygrid', scope=[0, 100], elements=[10, 20, 40, 50, 60 ])
>>> g2   = Grid(name="test", vgrid = g1_x, hgrid = g1_y )
>>> g2.y[10]
>>> g2.y <  10
>>> g2.y <= 10
>>> g2.y >  10
>>> g2.y >= 10


ycolor = None#

Color of vertical wires.


>>> templates = tech.load_templates()
>>> grids = tech.load_grids(templates=templates)
>>> r23   = grids['routing_23_cmos’]
>>> print(r23.ycolor)
<laygo2.object.grid.CircularMapping object> class: CircularMapping,
    elements: [[“colorA”]]
